Oh No Radio Show
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
Tuesday Sep 01, 2020
We are back once again for an all new episode of Smells Like Quarantine Spirit. It's been about a month since we last spoke so Kath and I catch you up on what we've been up to (Spoiler:NOTHING) plus talk about what's happening in the world of Covid-19 and this festering virus hotspot we call America. Also on the show today we have another interview! This time I welcome to the show none other than my sister Ashley Barile all the way from Massachusetts! Ash and I talk about a broad range of topics. Hitting on life in the pandemic, staying healthy both physically and mentally, working in the health care industry during all this and what keeps us occupied during these boring times. Thanks for listening and stay tuned for another episode in the near future. Stay safe, wash your hands and pull your damn mask up over you nose! Later!
INTRO SONG - Chromeo - "Clorox Wipe"
OUTRO SONG - Chromeo - "Roni' Got Me Stressed Out"
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Saturday Aug 29, 2020
Full Show description soon, Blame Mikey B...
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
Friday Aug 21, 2020
JOIN US! For another rousing episode of the greatest show to ever exist... The Oh No Radio Show!!!!
You'll experience such intellectual topics such as:
Owen's Opening Storynew words for dongsTy's High ThoughtsCLIPS1)8 inch girth2)cookie jarvis corn eating3)Fat Nerd Wow Gamer4) DJ Khaled "Greece"5) Numbers by SoyTiet6)Thats the workout
2nd halfOwen Broke His washer Again.. and threw up!Owens cranky and dirtyTic tacs are deliciousbody hair strimming and suchOwens young acting careeermoon bag newsElmers glue tanker turn-over. Several cars stuck for hours.Fancy Disney Clowns, On longer delay... Cirque Du Soleil
Owens acting career. Young girl with rocks meets puppet boy.owen hates new phonesthey got bigger then smaller then biggerthecnology changes with OwenOwens Insta cart adventures
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Thursday Aug 13, 2020
Mikey B was trusted with writing the show description this week, I think he did a wonderful job. This is what follows:
Topics for 8-13-20
-Big onion challenge rock and roll cahsews ty loves all the nuts date of onion challenge first week of september donation available for onion challenge Onion Smoothie Sam says no sauce... hard line-owens spectrum is not working right owen has a few and calls 45 minute wait Whole system is down owen wants to call the supervisor william is the supervisor dont be so hard on bill owen backs down like a pussy owens chatting on his service call call customer service people and make friends.. new bit. trick them to be friends.whats the feelings on milk TG Lee isnt that bad by ty standdards not a lot of milk drinkersOwens jealous of the golf cart guy. mike talks about his golf cart days Owen wants legal drunk driving. cool golf cart guy that owen wants to beTy's Minnesota report ty's high father son sandwich time what kinda cut? straight diagonal. double diagonal. potatoe chips sandwich
Clips!clip1 CLOONER- King of farmington Rap from michigan. Farmington white boy, with a disjointed flow. Moves, ass. dusting of the downy
clip2 King Maney- Addicted to Ink Poor dude is just covered in bad tats contradicting himself with his own lyrics pays for tats or not?
Clip 3 Yukon 800 Drops his passenger. Moose Soup Dirty Son of A...
Clip4 Moth Man- Landis Harry Larry Tys new project.very trippy.. mothsplaining incident
OWENS ENGLISH FACE! Owen is upset about his english face.
Second segment
POOP TALKOwen enjoys his toilet time.Ty is a mid-range pooMikes black poo nugget.
Owen Hates a rok auto commercial. Owen wants a to strangle the rock auto commerical. Owen hates Rok Auto. Rok auto is a bunch of Jabroni'sMIke B's gaming cornerTy's octopus
Owen cries at love on the spectrumOwen doubts their level of spectrum.Mike B is a man child
Owen's got a Mcmansion going up next to his little duplex.owen doesnt like it. He wants it to stay trashy.why dont hippies chain themselves to trees.Steve-O tapes himself to billboard!Owens smelly red head guy gets hired and refired.Mike B owens got a papaya tree sooo big!
URBAN DICTION! Manther Spud Happy Tapioca udders badders getting the old cotton eyed joe
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
Friday Aug 07, 2020
On Tonights show the boys discuss:
Can you vape underwater
What foods would you give aliens in a first contact scenario ?
What Trio should the Ohno boys dress up in costume as for halloween ?
Cheddar bay biscuits are delicious
What happened to Mr T?
Marty Janetty probably killed multiple people
Banned Hand sanitizer
Best of Orlando Controversy
Accidentally killing frogs
Ellen is a bitch, who else is in hollywood and what jobs have the worst bosses?
New Debit cards are a pain in the ass and
NEWS with Johnny Moonbags
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Saturday Aug 01, 2020
Check Out this weeks ONRS
Tonight we talk about some weird sex stuff, and Big Tim joins us for our second half to discuss some Irrational Irritations.
Whatever the hell we say
See you next week
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
Friday Jul 24, 2020
ONRS -Episode 455 - Ty's Butt Stuff
Rough night, full thing tomo.
Enjoy the Audio.
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Wednesday Jul 22, 2020
Hey there fellow Pandemic people! We are back in action again with an all new episode. We took about a month down and boy a lot happened during our hiatus. On today's episode we review all the hiatus news including Tom thinking he almost had Covid and getting tested, Finally pulling the trigger and having to postpone of September wedding and a smathering of what's going on in the country currently with good ole Covid-19.
Also on the show Tom talks with his old pal Peter Sudol up in New Jersey about how life has been for him during this whole pandemic situation. Tom and Peter wax about plenty of topics including Peter's job in real estate and how his industry has pivoted to the new post Covid life. Thanks as always for listening and we will try and get back with another new episode shortly! Stay safe, wash your hands and wear those masks people! Later!
CLIPS and THINGS played or mentioned on today's episode:
INTRO SONG - Kyan Palmer - Quarantini
OUTRO SONG - Gordon Anderson - Funemployment
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
Friday Jul 17, 2020
On tonights show we discuss
Mikey trying to take over OHNO
Jon Lovitz beating up Andy Dick
Owens new 90's shorts
Shark Week 2 pickles commercial
Dont trust ice people
Disney is empty of both guests and souls
Blue Budweiser
Earwigs in the bathtub
Orkin Commercials
Famous people from Wisconsin
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Friday Jul 10, 2020
Tonight is plagued with technical difficulties, but we power through in true ONRS fashion.
Its Owen, Mikey B and Ty doing what we do best... Talk shit, and mess up the show.
Others things discussed:
Owen gets mad at coasters
Tom might have the Rona
Helping friends move
Weird shoulder hairs
and Lizards are gross when they shed
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
Friday Jul 03, 2020
The Oh No Radio Show - Episode 452 - Time to say somethingTonight we actually get a bit serious and talk about the BLM Movement and how we all need to be less silent and learn to all grow as a nation.Also discussed:Owen is also mad at children singingHiccup remediesSacha Baron Cohen's latest stuntTravis' Chickens5 inch pyro shellsAll fat cats come from RussiaTy's trip back homeand the New Unsolved Mysteries series on netflixCheck out Travis' food videos at:Kitchen Travisties on youtube:https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCX2lPS5_l6eOq0lGOkhg9mA
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Saturday Jun 27, 2020
Its Owen Ty and Mikey again, and this time we get some stories from both the road and Wisconsin from ty.
Owen has a gnat fly up his bum and is pretty mad about it,
Mikey's brother is talking shit
and is it ok to shame people without masks in stores?
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Tuesday Jun 23, 2020
Sup there quarantineers we are back with an all new episode! Today on the show we talk about the new surge in Covid-19 cases popping up all around the country as of late, the on going dilemma of wearing masks in public and properly social distancing, the trouble with Zoom meetings and how crappy it's gonna be when we all have to go back to work!
Also continuing on with our conversation series we've been having with friends and family all over the country we play a great chat Tom had with our pal Donia Mohamed from Queens, New York. Donia is an artist and gallery manager in New York and we talk to her about what life's been life for her up there in the big city during the pandemic. How she's dealt with things like cabin fever, staying creative, what's ahead in the changing of the art industry and so much more.
If you or someone you know may be interested in participating in one feel free to drop me an email personally and we can set something up (tombarile4@gmail.com).Thanks for listening!
CLIPS and THINGS played or mentioned on today's episode:
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Saturday Jun 20, 2020
Owen, Ty and Mikey sit down and talk about eradicating Mosquito's, What is your Kid saying?, and new branding.
We discuss VCR's, missed connections and of course plow through some CLIPS.
Enjoy the show.
leave a voicemail at 407-906-6466
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Friday Jun 12, 2020
Owen, Ty and Mikey B are joined by regular show contributor Tom Barille in another episode of the Oh No Radio Show.
Tonight they talk about Orlando's recent tornados
V for Vendetta being set in 2020
Tom's change of wedding plans
Mikey B eating onions
Deer Butthole Taxidermy
Live PD and cops getting cancelled
Is it ok to insult other peoples pets?
and Hammerhead Bats.
The Oh No Radio Show
Live @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Support us on Patreon @ patreon.com/onrs
Leave us a Voicemail @ 407-906-6466