Oh No Radio Show
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Friday May 25, 2018
Full Description Soon. you know the drill.
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Friday May 18, 2018
Tonight Owen, Ty and Mikey B welcome back our good friend and all around awesome dude Ross McCoy.
Full Description and links coming VERY soon.
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Friday May 11, 2018
Another fun show with Ty, Mikey B and myself Owen as we drink some beers and wonder through the ethical and health ramifications of eating city rabbit.
I ask the question, what time is the appropriate time to start mowing lawns on Sundays. Mikey B has some taco hell and Ty gives us an update on the ducks in his pool. We discuss my dream about Ty breaking his studio desk and me flipping out, 7-11 and dirty feet and even SECRET TUNNELS.
Oh and we call out give kids the world again.
Of course we do some clips!
and then venture into the world of education with some Urban Diction
Please subscribe to our patreon.com/onrs at $5 a month to get access to all of our latest BONER content. JOIN US ON THE SHIT SHIP!
Much love and as always
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
Monday May 07, 2018
Welcome to a new, OLD project from the annals of OHNO history, SOMETHING DREADFUL. Something Dreadful was introduced in 2014 when the Oh No Radio Show was still a baby by Owen and original ONRS crew member Duncan. SD was spawned as the slightly more serious and heavy side of the ONRS universe and served as a method of Owen and Duncan getting out their "Secret Feelings" as the show was later monickered by Ty.
Over time the shrink sessions with each other birthed way to Owen and Duncan's more prized hobbie WRESTLING. As our late night conversations delved more and more into the squared circle we chose to abandon our mental health and feelings for something a little more light.
Well, Life goes on, and times get tough, and its nice to have a friend to talk to about more than superkicks and sharpshooters, so WEVE DECIDED TO RESURRECT THE BEAST and present to you:
Something Dreadful - Season 3
Presented by the Oh No Radio Show
for the first time on the ONRS RSS FEED
If you enjoy this episode, may i suggest becoming a Patreon member of the Shit Ship by subscribing to $5 a month over at Patreon.com/ONRS
We will be uploading all of Season 1 and 2 of Something Dreadful over the coming months and are releasing ton of BONER Content.
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Friday May 04, 2018
Welcome to another edition of the ONRS. We welcome you with open arms to the shit ship. Its Owen, Ty And Mikey B once again discussing the finer points of life, love and loss. Such as Upper Crack Butt Hair...
We do totally get serious though and talk about ancient aliens amongst other life changing topics such as:
-Disposing of chicken wing bones in the yard
-Tree removal
-Trimming your beard with your airpods in
-The Angel trumpet
-and once again upper butt crack hair.
Clips is majestic as always. (Links tomo) Mikey is eating McDonalds, and Ty is mad that Twitch stole his name.
Big news on this show, listen for quite the announcement.
Lots of love, FYD and EABOD
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Thursday Apr 26, 2018
Sorry for the lack of a show description tonight as im in a rush! So par for the course really. Hope you enjoy the show as the boys are back with some audio fire on your Thursday night.
Much Love
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Monday Apr 23, 2018
Yo! Remeber blades of steel! that was the best and worst hockey game ever!
Anyways, its Me (Owen), Ty and Mikey B again and were just having a blast making fun about absolutely everything.
Blah blah, tomo, leave me alone. love you.
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Friday Apr 13, 2018
Tonight the boy sit down with our buddy Louis and talk about growing up in Arkansas, Fred Durst Piza Cutter's TM, and the rule of BBQ.
Ill get to the full description later, but this one was a blast.
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
Friday Apr 06, 2018
ONRS - Ep 342 - Gaze For Daze
Hey folks, welcome back again! In this edition of the Oh No Radio Show, Ty and Mikey B actually decide to show up for a show. We get the update on Ty’s Gangrenous foot, Mikey B’s awful fryer burn and Owen’s state of mind. We ramble about moms christmas newsletter’s, the people that go to yard sales, and the return of the snake’s at Owens house.
In Clips we deal with:
- A Christian youth group train wreck
- A kid that loves Monster energy ULTRA drinks
- A man with no teeth that loves inspirational messages
- and a poor kid forced to yodel at walmart by his mom… and the remixes the internet was kind enough to give us
To Watch all the Clips, click this thing...
The second segment brings us some broken windshields, new florida beach laws and Owen’s new plan to sail the Northwest Passage.
Oh yeah we do a Verses with Amputees in honour of Ty’s foot.
And Mikey B brings us some good fortunes from his pocket.
All and all it was a super fun show and we hope you enjoy.
See you next week
As always,
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Friday Mar 30, 2018
Im not going to lie, this week has been an absolute shit show. Ive been Ill, Mikey B is stuck working, and Ty is in the god damn hospital.
Thankfully we have a golden angel from the past to make things all just right...
Ladies and Gentlemen, tonight we welcome back to the show, Oh No Radio Show Alumni: TOM BARILE!
Had to call in the big guns for this one as the usual boys couldnt make it, so Tom drove all the way down from Atlanta just to be apart of the show. Along with him is a good friend of the show, artist extrodianre and the creator of our very own ONRS FYD Unicorn, Raymon Klecker.
GOING EVEN FURTHER WITH THE CRAZY LINEUP. 2 of Owen's best friends Gina and Travis also pay a long overdue visit to the studio and have some fun with our nonsense.
Ty gives us a call from the hospital and we get a full recap of his medical situation.
Mikey B gives us a call from smoko and we get a full recap of his taco situation.
Ty is almost a pirate, wizard, lizard.
Clips are amazing as always.
and the world isnt so shit when it has a little OHNO in it.
Thanks for tuning in.
Love you all, thanks for listening
check us out on:
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Friday Mar 23, 2018
Hey guys!
Tonight we have a treat, Owen, Tyler, and Mikey B are joined by Ty's Girlfriend Sierra...Which i admit sounds like either the worst or best idea ever. Some have speculated that this could easily be the dawn of Ty being single...
Turns out, none of that happens because Sierra is awesome and was a really good sport sitting in with us. She even gets a full OHNO Questionairre and passes with flying colors.
Mikey B reads fortunes
Almonds make your pee smell weird
and old ladies wearing camo winter hats are always fun.
Love you all, thanks for listening
check us out on:
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Friday Mar 16, 2018
Tonight we were welcomed by one of our all time favorite guests, Dabbz Kay from the
Burn it Down Show
We talk about drinking Flies, stupid tattoos, Fancy Fast foods and Mexican parties almost gone wrong.
Mikey B is back from the T&D cruise and Dabbz is spilling mountain dew everywhere.
Ty is a wizard and Owen's nemisis "The Metal Detector Guy" is back.
We do some CLIPS, Check out the youtube playlist of them here
We check out Mini J-Flow but not as good
John Daly, Ultimate real man golfer
Kenny Power's, 70's Stuntman...Stunt gone wrong
and a Guy that gets 20 Teeth removed wrongly by a crooked dentist.
We also explore some British Hip Hop, and play a new game with Dabbz called "White Washed"
check us out on:
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Friday Mar 09, 2018
Tonight we finally get rid of Zack. Hes leaving the show. What a piece of shit. Fucking dickhead Neaderthal. Gross ass red sweat wearing dumpster fire of a cohost.
Samantha and Travis come hang out to help shame Zack before he leaves and let him know he sucks.
Mikey B gets drunk and sits in the closet.
Ty is tall in a chair.
Owen has glass in his hair.
Samantha and travis and Zack read some porno dialogue.
We all agree that shaming children is cool.
Just kidding about the Zack shit, really bummed he's leaving and we wish him well.
Just kidding about saying that, Zack sucks
check us out on:
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
Friday Mar 02, 2018
ONRS-EP337-Cobblestones and Terrorist T-shirts
Well well, the boys are back after a wonderful week, including marriage proposals, segments on the radio, and white castle poops.
We wonder through the worlds of terrestrial radio, cobble stone streets and guys with top hats.
Its Owen, Ty, Zack and Mikey B holding it down, and of course it wouldnt be ohno without some...
Hope you enjoy the show and thanks to all the new listeners.
check us out on:
Twitter: @therealonrs
FB: Facebook.com/groups/ohnoradioshow
Live Shows on MIXLR: Mixlr.com/ohnoradioshow
Email: Show@ohnoradioshow.com
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Friday Feb 23, 2018
Tonight we have some fun with LEMONS! ALL THE LEMONS! They clear your soul apparently... IDK
We also talk about Negative Ions. Yep That.
Old Black dudes are cool
Water parks make Owen mad.
Beards can be Downie.
Austrailians are taking over the music scene
Boogers can be long
Owen tries to get in the wrong car
We do some clips, Ground rules, and even some URBAN DICKTION
yep time for bed.
The Oh No Radio Show
Live @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Support us on Patreon @ patreon.com/onrs
Leave us a Voicemail @ 407-906-6466