Oh No Radio Show
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Friday Apr 02, 2021
Onrs - 4-1-21
Do you think wrestlers have role play sex as the gimmick?
Favorite video game songs: taxi drivers must die
App that makes you trip: lumenate
Dennis quaid < kevin bacon
No Santana since Sunday, but now we get to hear the Hispanic woman on her phone bitching about her boyfriend.
Do you like getting high and watching drug lord documentaries? El chapo tunnels are cool.
Do you get mad when people guess their presents?
Digital picture frames are weird, they make you want to constantly change the series of photos because you can, but if it was one photo on A desk you wouldn’t think about it.
Don’t post your vaccine cards you idiots
Casting couch Recast the cartoon Doug / but it’s an adult Live action movie
Ah real monsters
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Monday Mar 29, 2021
Onrs -3-28-21
The term for Nickelodeon’s slime in the uk is gunge
Migraines suck
Frankie Muniz has no memory
Loud ass neighbor/ horrible voice / Santana marathon
Not trying to shame, but furries are weird. Voice over singing commercial. Duncan sells his sowing machine
Fucking Miami family scumming things up
Should I rent my car?
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Friday Mar 19, 2021
Onrs -3-18-21
I judge people that back in to parking spaces
Theresa has forgotten how to drive
Owen is a smoothie man now / ninja blender
Planting a pineapple
61b boobs
12 cent metal detector
Dikembe Mutombo commercial - geico - not in my house -no no no no no
St pattys day / Mexican food
Pollen crazy
Why do I always sweat so much?
Armpit stains
Rob zombie - munsters casting couch
Johnny moonbags reviews
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Friday Mar 12, 2021
Onrs - 3-11-21 - EP 487 - Dick Appropriation
Racoon sharpening nails on clothesline pole
Overweight 7-11 clerk brags about doing her first eating competition
Did you use to play dead arm/ dead leg ?
Stupid kid games
The funny bone is stupid
Would owen be a good tour guide?
Taking ginger to the vet/ light on counter bummer me out, take that shit down
Everytime I see a light up dog leash I feel like I’m living in the future
I judge people for driving certain cars :
Shoebox cars, matrix’s, Prius, volt, dart
Stranger at 1 am says arent we all so lucky?
People think I’d make the best drag queen
Female birth control squirt
Mike B’s Helicopter Story
Johnny Moonbag Reviews
Casting couch - royal family
Princess Diana
Prince William
Prince Charles
Prince Harry
The queen
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
Friday Mar 05, 2021
On tonights show we wish Ty a Happy birthday. He Tell's us of Supper clubs. We then start talking about Shoney's, Quincey's, and Morrison's. Things get bad quickly, we joke about being a youth at Oldtown, ghosts, and blimps. We also talk about red wings because were disgusting. (sorry mother in law)
Owen tells a ghost to fuck off outside
Not in the mood for ghost stuff
Someone named feet has been watching the stream, why that name?
Neighbor creeping up on me at night
Why is it ok for cats to roam about neighborhoods and no other animal?
Of the three of us who would look the best in drag?
Can someone explain clubhouse to me?
Everyone used to make me feel bad about delivery fast food, now everyone does it all the time.
15 racoon stare down
Do you wake your self up with your own snores?
I feel like we need to travel more by blimp
Owen is pissed off at white claw
To view the video check out Twitch.tv/onrslive
Epinergetics ???
Donny Epstien
Kid Defends Fedoras
Just Adjusting My Coochie
Sauna Pants
Why Must i cry?
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Friday Feb 26, 2021
Onrs -2-25-21 - EP 485 - Mikey’s Old Black Willies and the Fifth Element Sucks
What is the creepiest sound to hear at night alone?
Random tuba
Dad always has a scheme
The time my dad tried to get rich on selling a “I’m so sexy for my shirt” tshirt
Deep fake Mikey b much jagger, who is the most jagger?
The fifth element sucks
Son of clips
Smooching with a beard
Yelling at birds to quiet down
Owen is upset with the size of blue whales
Beavis and butthead sequel coming to paramount + in 2022, will it suck?
Owen wants more trapdoors
Wtf is a poke bowl and why do they look gross?
Onion blunt
Famous aliens versus
Alf v yoda
Chewbacca v worf
Dr who v Spock
ET v Marvin the Martian
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Friday Feb 19, 2021
Siblings that caught the wrong end of the ugly stick.
Serena Williams is better looking than Venus
Being a Document man
Owen gets mad at Alexa
Apart from me, does anyone watch the history channel?
Cum Vape
Owen Sucks at Games
Squeaky Eye
Cow Pee Shower
Owen wants to start a children’s show
The ohno show Owens garden
All the creatures
Ty / snake
Mikey b / worm/ slug / Snail
Tom / raccoon
DUNCAN / possum
Zack / owl
Ohno’s kids show
Owens yard of animals
The most valuable cellphone in the world
Owls vs Falcons
Raccoons vs possums
Hornets vs lizards
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Friday Feb 12, 2021
Onrs - 2-11-21
What candy bars does no one eat anymore?
-nestle crunch
Good looking guys don’t get dandruff/ good skin. Seltzen blue commercial
Vape nerd commercial, stealing money from moms purse
Do businesses like uber start doing a vaccine validator?
Freddy prinze jr.hates being a sex symbol. Hated kissing on set.
Who’s the best kisser of the ohno universe?
Son of clips
Fuck the super bowl, but is anyone else interested in the first civilian trip to space
-would you do it?
The guy eating at the hotdog station at 7-11
Ty is working from home
Fuck schitts creek/ not funny
Microwave power settings
Zoolander cartoon
Johnny Moonbags with the news
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Friday Feb 05, 2021
Onrs - 2-4-21 -EP482 - Good Deeds and Danny Devito
Danny de Vito favorite movie : Renaissance Man
Goat cheese in beard
Good deed of the year, delivering someone’s mail. Ring camera, mailbox flag up, might get shot.
Mr good deeds, closed and took in my neighbors trash cans as it looked like it was going to rain
Good deed, picked up trash and sticks in the street
Space x launch, had to tell neighbors they were looking In the wrong direction
Would you rather have a super smart or super dumb pet?
Son of clips / owen gets drunk and talks about clips or just let’s videos play
Pretty sure I need a vacation again
Nullo (body modification) no nipples
Papaya tree and the crazy neighbor
Solar snake repellent
Son of clips video
Casting couch - animated cartoons in live action
Family guy
Rick and Morty but not back to the future
Aqua teen hunger force
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Friday Jan 29, 2021
Onrs -1-28-21 TIL that lobsters pee from their face and will squirt pee at each other to communicate.
What if humans peed from faces?
My depression.———————
Playing my ps3 with T, nhl 15- NHL 94 controls
Girls peeing is grosser sounding than guys. Hard stance.
I hate my papaya tree so much
The Shame of applying for and using an EBT card
Is Ted bundy good looking?
Random Denny’s order
It sucks that my pillow guy is a fuckhead, I actually like the pillow.
Weighted blankets hold in farts
Conway Twitty is creepy
Ted Cruz has a shitty beard
Weed Stems in pistachios
Tiny bags in Sanford
Throwing shoes in dreams
Matthews Sea Urchins
Alexander the Grape
Thursday nights at twitch.tv/onrslive
407-906-6466 LEAVE A VOICEMAIL
ohnoradioshow.com ohnomedia.com patreon.com/onrs
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Friday Jan 15, 2021
Onrs - 1-14-21
Possums smell like shit
New ohno twitch show coming soon
My mom likes my beard
Heat on and fan / forgot which direction
Why are white claw variety packs always packed different?
Wind chime thoughts?
Owens RV dreams
Weighted blanket
Ginger throws up in bed
What’s the deal with sea shanties being a Thing?
Breaking my toilet seat
Trevor: not allowed to yell at nba referees
Duncan still eating ass
Jack bender:
Fun fact, we’re doing an adult entertainment award show at our studio tonight
I wonder if you’ll see anyone you’ve jacked it to. Would that be awkward for you?
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
Friday Jan 08, 2021
2021 off to a hell of a start
Thoughts on the incident yesterday
Ty's Mom
Mike B has a strange poop schedule
Pre show rituals
pinch punch first of the month
Raccoons on the roof
Getting my first covid test
Ty takes a trip, gets stoned
If animals evolved in different places
Hangover krystal campaign, now I still have a hangover and the shits
Vienetta is back! Thanks to us!
Gular - Mouth Breather
Nub Massage
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Thursday Dec 31, 2020
Onrs - 12-30-20
When do people realize they are color blind?
My cat judges me when I’m high
Fruit flavored tums
Mad at lawn guy
Xmas recap
Owen insults cooking
Mikey meets an old friend
New Years resolutions
Dancing robots
Chef will
Dogs playing poker
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Thursday Dec 24, 2020
Onrs - 12-23-20
Owens interior design 2.0
Getting better at the sex, lasting longer, period sex
What do you do with a lost dog?
Simon Sez is a turd
Owens beard Is good
The cat was found
Should I sell my car?
Is it trashy to put another persons trashed Xmas tree on your porch?
Owens a boxer now
The curtains are the best and worst thing ever. Sleeping even later
Owen wants to buy a small RV
The Saga of Chef Will
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Friday Dec 18, 2020
Onrs 12-17-20
Neighbors might be doing porn, lighting umbrella
Going on a 6 mile hike
Ohno hall of fame
Gray beard hairs/ beard oil
Peg bundy was hotter than her daughter on the show
How long would it take for you to freak out in a completely dark room that had no discernable exit?
How long could you last without sight?
Mikey and the homeless woman.
Owens thievery/ interior design
Chopping down my papaya tree
Vengaboys covers
Tys chicken nugget gang
The Oh No Radio Show
Live @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Support us on Patreon @ patreon.com/onrs
Leave us a Voicemail @ 407-906-6466