Oh No Radio Show
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
The Oh No Radio Show | Call Live @ 407-906-6466 | Live shows every Thursday at 8:30 PM EST @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Friday Dec 11, 2020
Onrs - Ep475 - White Trash Bees
Do left footed people drive with there left foot?
How do I get rid of moles? Lawn is like quicksand
So the lost cat is probably dead right?
Is it wrong to donate my dads toy boat to a toy drive?
Did Mikey suggest he banged 3 times in one night?
The ohno hall of fame
Owen went on tots with ross, told 2 embarrassing stories
Do you have flies in your boxers, peeing over the top or out the bottom?
What the fuck is going on with star wars?
Saw another ufo
White Trash Bee’s
Van haircuts / other possible van businesses
Casting couch
Home alone
Jingle all the way
Die hard
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Friday Dec 04, 2020
Onrs 12-3-20 - Ep - 474
Ty looks older when he shaves, looks homeless
What’s up with TVs popping in the middle of the night?
Shit up house - worse with heat on
Cat farts, silent but deadly
Amnesia stories / unsolved mysteries
Static electricity in earbuds when changing the sheets
The lost version of planes trains and automobiles
Pulling your back wiping
Have you ever heard a cat fart
Oh No Court
Mikey b on trial for ghosting us last week
Youtube : Seach Oh No Media
FB: Search for Oh No radio Show JOIN THE GROUP
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Sunday Nov 29, 2020
Because of air conditioning do people hear less crime? Dead silence In fl when the weather is nice.
Will Ammonia pee on bleach kill you?
Revered neighbors lose cat, see my transgressions
Mexicans don’t use blinkers
$85 12x16! How high are you? Good for you if you can get it.
Do Americans know about Viennetta?
British people hate macaroni and cheese. PB&J
Sleeping with the windows open
V for vendetta, why did V have to imprison evee? Seems way to much.
Got a real xmas tree
Owens brutal hangover
Wills pub needs help to survive / go fund me
Mike Tyson vs Roy Jones jr
Thanksgiving verses with Ty's Mom
Cranberry sauce vs gravy
Mashed potatoes vs green bean casserole
Turkey vs ham
Light vs dark meat
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Friday Nov 20, 2020
Onrs - 11-19-20
Happy anniversary to Owen and Theresa 8 years married, 17 together.
Owen heard running water, has to shut off his landlords side of the house, gets soaked on a cold night
Having a printer is nice
Seeing Duncan in person
Full studio clean
Some people can smell ants
Fingerless gloves season
Apple back tap
Byocb no longer podcasting, lots of love
Tys got a working podcasting setup
Thanksgiving traditions
Owen is getting a haircut tomo, what to do?
Ohnoradioshow.com twitch.tv/onrslive
Donate $2 on our Patreon and get all the bonus content @ partreon.com/onrs
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
Friday Nov 13, 2020
On tonight's show we listen to the adventures of Owen and his Wife Theresa as they road trip into the mountains and beyond.
We hear about the experience of driving to a log cabin in the middle of no where and the fun that obviously ensued in the hot tub.
Owen has and experience with a Trump Highway train and is none to thrilled.
Have you ever had an experience with a cult? Owen and Theresa did at a place in Brunswick, GA called "The Yellow Deli".
Someone eats total shit in front of a bodega, Ty might be your new customer service representative, and Mikey and Owen have the same hair.
In Clips we learn how to become a Juggalo, the glories of S.H.O.U.T., and explore a weird commercial from 1975 about growing into sexy babies.
We hope you enjoy the show.
twitch.tv/onrslive to see us live
and Patreon.com/ONRS to donate to the cause
Just search for us on FB for more info : Oh No Radio Show
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Wednesday Nov 04, 2020
Owen helps his brother move
Moving Etiquette
The chicks “don’t let me die on Florida”Why don’t you ever see lizards at night in fla? Mike B's New Job
Hornets nest on Owen's car. Friends fucking sucks Vs Snickers v Milky Way M&ms vs skittles Twix v Kit Kat
Back Live Next Week at twitch.tv/onrslive
Find us on FB Jabroni
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Thursday Oct 29, 2020
Owen looks like dog the bounty hunter
Mike B is a big cock
Ty Is a large wiener
Dogs cigarette preference
OH NO Is Officially a company!
Spooky Halloween scenarios
Ty will stab a 13 year old
Is Miley Cirus Hot or not?
Owen ditches his costume
Brobible is our news source
People seeing UFO's at Walmart
Mike B wants to have an american gladiator dinner theatre
Leave a Voicemail for us at 407-906-6466
Tune in Live Thursdays at 8:30 PM EST at Twitch.tv/onrslive
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Friday Oct 23, 2020
Ty is having a power breakfast, all over his stairs
Mike B got 2 bottles for the price of one
Owen talks about ty's long neck
OH NO loves Martha Sugaowski
Long Neck people, and how they are just a little weird... to start.
Zombie boning
Skating rink songs
Dangly Earings
Tentacle porn and its finer points
Mike B attends his little brothers wedding.
Owen goes mad with power!
Owens date night is ruined/enhanced by the rain
LIVE shows at twitch.tv/onrslive
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Saturday Oct 17, 2020
Owens seeing aliens
Owens got extreme pains
mikey B's new job
Owens hot dick
Owens new green light
OH NO hates balloons, loves Blowjobs.
all sexual things are better than balloons
MIke B is going to a wedding.
Owen Saw our friend Zach Mills
Owens doing a good job with his pump.
Owens pumps to Dragula!
Check us out live Twitch.tv/onrslive
leave us a VM at 407-906-6466
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Friday Oct 09, 2020
Owens back online with a New router and made a new friend at spectrum. Nicholas from Ohio
We all have our hand at pitching new bonus content:
New bit, how long make people guess how long random items are. Or how long something lasted?
Fictional therapy session for a celebrity.
Mikey b's gaming
Ty go pro mowing the lawn video
Confronting a police officer on a needless wellness check for a neighbor
We just made a company
The gorilla glue gorilla is an asshole
Southpark pandemic special
Mikey puts bread in random places when drunk
Owens mountain trip
ohnomedia.com (comingsoon)
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
Friday Oct 02, 2020
On Tonights Show:
Sharks love heavy metalwhat do other animals listen to?pigs like old country, horses new countrylots of animals and music combinationsPolar bears listen to Bjork and Sigur RosOwen watches unsolved mysteriesSpooky poolsWisconsin Dells crashes the showTy sees some eyes staring back at him during his smokoTy has the new animal spotOwen casually looks at dicks
GO BOLTS!Little Strokin Ricky!The grumpiest Person you know?Grump is the dude who shows up upset.Our good buddy Big Tim needs your help!
Johnny Moonbags and the News
For Live Shows, check out Twitch.tv/onrslive @ 8:30 pm EST on Thursday nights
To Donate and for bonus content: Patreon.com/ONRS
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
Friday Sep 25, 2020
On Tonights show we talk about:
Mikey B geting saved by Owen from another punishment
Son on lap driving in the rain, Florida thunderstorm
Owens time paradox continues
New shirt designs
Planning a mountain trip / Owen needs a vacation
Subscription services with cars
People who are picky about ketchup piss me off
Fearless roach
What is peacemaker? Suicide squad/ John cena, spinoff show
Do you use batteries for anything? Duracell power check
Your cousin from Boston
Fuck people that buy a 300ft skeleton
Owens friend puts up a Christmas tree
Celebrities with diabetes
Tom Hanks v Drew Carey
Bret Michaels v david letterman
Wilford brimley v Larry king
Halle berry v salma Hayek
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Friday Sep 18, 2020
Owen, Ty and Mikey welcome Tom back to the show.
We discuss:
South Park and our love of the show.
Give us your free subs
Ty's Painted Toes at the pool hall
Brimleys diabetes Socks
Brimley was in a Star wars movie
DIagrams of outdoorsy types
Subaru vs Silverado
Bass Pro Vs LL Bean
Congrats to Simon Times Trivia!
Trump Toaster and Aryian Breads
Owens new washer
Owen Visits Price Busters
Owen Fixes the Washer and dryer.
Brittany Spears... Hotter and Crazier
Wild Car stories
OH NO presents the Casting Couch with minimal
What are you watching
80's was the golden era for Cops.
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Thursday Sep 10, 2020
Show notes 9-10-20
"Magic Shell Weiner"
Show Liqour Sponsor: Burnetts Raspberry
Hail the Onion King.
Onion Poops!
New Shirts.... IN PURPLE!
Andre the Giants Pubes
Mike B vs Ty in a Lawn Battle
Mikes Time as a Lawn Man
Mike is Jake the Snake 2020
Ty's high thoughts
do your teeth have a taste?
Owen Pooped a tooth
Gallagers budweiser commercial
Todd White Preachs
Would you let Jesus finish you off
Remove the name boneless chicken wings
The Happy Hot Dog Man
We are Germans
Screaming Speakers
Complaint systems
Owens anti-chopsticks
Penis powerup noises.
Moonbags news
Smoking Ants will get you high
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
Friday Sep 04, 2020
One of our more visual shows, that you can see over at Twitch.tv/onrs or at our youtube: Ohno media
That being said, a true treat to the ears.
Will Mikey eat all the onions?
What will we he do if he doesnt?
How will 7 raw onions and 2 chomps be consumed?
Listen to find out.
The Oh No Radio Show
Live @ Twitch.tv/onrslive
Support us on Patreon @ patreon.com/onrs
Leave us a Voicemail @ 407-906-6466